Photo Logic Chip FS195
产品类别:高速10Mbd 系列
Photo Logic Chip
General description
The FS195 chip is fabricated using Silicon Bipolar
process technology. This chip is designed to be
used in high speed digital optocouplers. Chip
consists of a high gain linear amplifier and output
Shottky transistor. Chips can be specially probed
to satisfy customer`s requirements.
LSTTL/TTL Input and Output Compatible
High Speed Switching
Open Collector Output
Chip Size – 1,6 x 1,2 mm
Chip thickness 0,38mm ±0,02 mm
Top Contact Metal – Aluminium
Data transfer rate – 5 Mbit/sec
Absolute maximum ratings Chip topography
Contact pads sizes Electrical circuit
Note – Proper operation is guaranteed with high-frequency ceramic capacitor 0,1 uF connected between power
supply and ground pads not more than 10 mm away from chip`s contacts.
Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C)
Symbol Characteristic Min Typ Max Unit Conditions
Uol Low Level Output Voltage 0,4 0,5 V
I01= 25 uA, Ucc = 5,5 V
Iol=11 mA
Ioh High Level Output Current 0,001 0,25 mA
I01= 4 uA, Ucc = 5,5 V
U O = 15 V
Logic High Power Supply
5,5 9 mA
Ucc = 5,5 V, Iol=0
I01= 30 uA
Propagation Delay (to Logic
40 50 ns
Rl=510 Ohm, Cl=15 pF,
Pin=50 mW/cm 2
Propagation Delay (to Logic
60 80 ns
Rl=510 Ohm, Cl=15 pF,
Pin=50 mW/cm 2
Tr, Tf Rise Time-Fall Time 20 ns
Rl=510 Ohm, Cl=15 pF,
Pin=50 mW/cm 2
-Pin values in assembled parts